Document Management


ProcessMaker contains a native workflow document management system within it which allows for the uploading and production of documents within a process.  Input documents can be attached to a case and passed along with the case from user to user to use as reference.  Utilizing version control, these input documents can also be downloaded, modified and then re-uploaded to a case.  Output documents can also be generated by ProcessMaker by taking information in a case which has been entered by a user or several users, then add that data to a pre-built template where it can then be outputted as a .doc or .pdf file.

The document management system stores all of the above documents in a repository which can be accessed by users (with the correct permissions) in order to look at documents past or present.  When the administrator configures an input or output document for a process, they can specify a file path for the repository which can be static, dynamic or a mixture of both.

The result is a document management system with documents organized into folders and subfolders relative to data within a process.  While all documents can be viewed from within an active case, users with the correct viewing permissions can navigate the repository, view documents associated with cases and even download or upload documents to the repository.


ProcessMaker Workflow Designer
Dynaforms / Webforms
Output Document Builder
Web Services API Trigger Builder
Advanced Debugger
User Management
For ProcessMaker Users
Document Management

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